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Saturday, June 12, 2010


The Reichstag is one of the main buildings of Parliament and it has been around since the 1920's. Normon Foster designed the completely renovated Parliament building. The dome is the part of the building that has changed the most through the renovation.

We made our way to the Reichstag building around 8 pm. The dome is a very impressive design with lots intricate details. Norman Foster made very good use the of glass and metal structure.
In the middle of the dome, sits 360 mirror plates( they form a funnel like shape up to the top of the dome) that are angled according to the sun, so that they catch the reflection and illuminate the dome.
The spiral walkways to the top of the dome offer the viewer a 360 degree view of the city of Berlin. The view is different that of a skyscraper because of the different view points that are available as you continue to make your way to the top.
This a picture of the sun shade device that allows for some of the light to be blocked before it reaches the mirrors.
This shading device moves on a track depending on the suns position.
Group Photo. Well this is it for today. Look for more to come from the Reichstag later this month when we are able to take the full tour of the rest of the building. Stay Tuned!!!

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